Bonipak’s romaine hearts are bright green and are made up of deliciously crisp, green leaves. Our romaine hearts add a delicious crunch and slightly bitter taste to any sandwich, salad or wrap!
Nutrition Information
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Calcium
- Fiber
- Folate
- Potassium
Bonipak’s romaine hearts are produced year-round. Growing locations are Santa Maria, California April through October, and Yuma, Arizona, November through March.

Storage and Handling
Store lettuce in perforated plastic bags wrapped in damp paper towels and keep it in the refrigerator vegetable crisper for up to five to seven days.

Bonipak Recipe

Chicken Caesar Salad
Prep time: 25 min
Cook time: 18 min
Total time: 1 hour 13 min
Servings: 6